Refund & Cancellation

  1. The order can be canceled only within 2 days after the order date as the consignment will be dispatched after that and cannot be canceled later on.
  2. You can also modify the product, quantity, and shipping address if you have placed the order incorrectly. The modification can be made only within 1 day of the order date and you can reach our customer support to make the changes to your order.
  3. If you have a product loss like spillage or breakage of the container, we will replace the product for you. If it is only physical damage like a dent or a scratch, we will not be able to process a refund or return.
  4. All claims for shortages or damages must be reported to our customer service within 3 days from the day of delivery.
  5. We recommend you record a video of unboxing our products for proof of damage to claim the refund.
  6. We do not accept the return of used products under any circumstances. For safety and hygiene reasons this merchandise cannot be restocked or resold so we do not accept returns.
  7. An amount of Rs.100 will be deducted from the refund amount (for shipping and handling charges) when the return is initiated by the customer.
  8. Please allow us one to three weeks from the day you return your package for your request to be processed.

For refunds, modifications, or cancellations, please contact our customer support team on WhatsApp at +91 72000 99586.

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  • +91 72000 99586
  • No.76/1, 1st Floor, Poonamallee High Road, Velappanchavadi, Chennai, Tamil Nadu - 600077.

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